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Occupancy restriction

There is occupancy restriction of 2 people per bedroom plus 2 more people; a maximum of 12 persons

Length of Stay
29 days or less
Registration & Licensing Fees
A non-refundable fee of $500 per year
Licenses or Permits Required
Yes, there are permit requirements
Property Inspection
Yes, there is property inspection by the city's Code Compliance Department and it is recurring
Guest Record
Yes, there is guest record requirement

All short-term rental owners must obtain a valid short-term rental permit issued by the City for their property.

All short-term rental properties must comply with building, health and safety regulations.

Occupancy taxes and fees

13% combined State and City Hotel Occupancy Tax

Insurance requirement

A minimum of $1million

Does any Building, Health & Safety Regulation affects STR?

Yes, there are building, health & safety regulations such as;

1. Prohibition of water heaters in bedrooms or bathrooms.

2. Provision of heating facilities capable of maintaining at least 68°F in all habitable rooms.

3. The installation of smoke alarms in bedrooms, outside bedrooms, and on all habitable floors and a well-maintained fire extinguisher in a visible place

4. The use of carbon monoxide alarms if the property has gas appliances or an attached garage.

Parking Requirement

Adequate parking space must be made available to short-term rental guests on the STR property.

Advertising Requirement

Hosts are required to include their permit number in all advertisements of their short-term rental property

Noise regulation

No amplified sound is allowed between 10 pm and 9 am.

Neighbor Notification

No, there is no requirement for neighborhood notification for short-term rentals in Arlington, Texas. The city's short-term rental ordinance does not require short-term rental owners to notify their neighbors before renting out their properties.

Limitation on number of STR owned

There is no limitation on the number of short-term rentals (STRs) that an individual can own in Arlington, Texas but short-term rental owners must obtain a permit from the city for each STR that they own.

Additionally, some homeowners associations (HOAs) have their own restrictions on short-term rentals. If you are considering owning multiple STRs, it is important to check with your HOA to see if there are any restrictions in place.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

It is not allowed

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

It is not allowed

Hosting events regulations
Restrictions on number of reservations

Yes, there are restrictions on the number of reservations that a short-term rental owner can have per year in Arlington, Texas. Short-term rental owners are limited to 90 reservations per year.

Waste disposal regulations

Short term rental owners are only allowed to place their trash outside for curbside pickup after 7 pm the evening prior to scheduled pickup day for the waste disposal

Accessibility Requirement

Yes, there are accessibility requirements for short-term rentals in Arlington, Texas. Short-term rental owners are required to make their properties accessible to guests with disabilities. This requirement is based on the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of disability.

waste disposal regulations
Waste disposal regulations

Short term rental owners are only allowed to place their trash outside for curbside pickup after 7 pm the evening prior to scheduled pickup day for the waste disposal

Emergency Contact Information

Yes, it is required. Short-term rental owners are required to provide guests with emergency contact information, including the name, phone number, and email address of a person who can be reached in the event of an emergency.

The emergency contact person must be someone who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and who is familiar with the short-term rental property. The emergency contact person should be able to respond to emergencies in a timely manner and should be able to provide assistance to guests.

What is short term rental?

Short-term rental (STR) means a residential premise, or portion thereof, used for lodging accommodations to occupants for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days.

Are there STR regulations that affect property owners?

Yes. Building regulations include structural soundness, unobstructed exits, and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Health regulations include cleanliness, sanitized bedding and linens, and proper food handling and garbage disposal.

Safety regulations include adequate lighting, well-maintained stairs and landings, fenced pools and spas, and secure storage of dangerous chemicals.

Owners are also encouraged to provide guests with information on the city's short-term rental regulations and fire safety.

Is there any short-term rental-related tax?

Yes, there are short-term rental related taxes in Arlington

Is it only individuals that are permitted to operate short-term rental?

Yes, individuals permitted to operate short-term rental businesses

What are the procedures and requirement for the neighborhood approval?

There is no procedure required however, it is important to be aware of any homeowners association (HOA) rules and regulations regarding short-term rentals.

Do I need a neighborhood approval?

No, you do not need neighborhood approval in Arlington, Texas

Building, Health & Safety Regulation
Which of these taxes does Airbnb or other booking company collect?
What zoning laws affect Short Term Rentals?

All short-term rental owners must obtain a valid short-term rental permit issued by the City for their property.

All short-term rental properties must comply with building, health and safety regulations.

Is there any guest record requirement?

Yes, there are short-term rental related taxes in Arlington

Do i require any license(s) for STR?

Yes, hosts are required to obtain a license for their property and must be renewed annually.

Which tax(es) am i obligated to collect and remit?

City Hotel Occupancy Tax of 7% of the total price charged for each guest to be remitted to the City and the State of Texas imposes a 6% state hotel occupancy tax.

The City Hotel Occupancy Tax may be filed electronically with the Arlington Permits website: https://ap.arlingtontx.gov.

For further information regarding the City Hotel Occupancy Tax remittance, visit the website: https://www.arlingtontx.gov/city_hall/departments/finance/treasury/hotel_occupancy_tax/instructions

For more information regarding penalties for delinquencies for the State Hotel Occupancy Tax, , please visit the website at: https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/hotel/

The Monthly Due Date is the 20th day of the month following the end of each calendar month while the Quarterly Due Date (if qualified) is the 20th day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter.

Taxes are due to be remitted on or before the 20th day of the month

following each monthly/ quarterly (if qualified) period.

Hosts are required to keep a record of guests and taxes remitted. This is to be made available upon request by the City Auditor.

Failure to collect, file, remit or remit taxes results in a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500). This applies to false reports too.

Which tax(es) am i obligated to collect and remit?

City Hotel Occupancy Tax of 7% of the total price charged for each guest to be remitted to the City and the State of Texas imposes a 6% state hotel occupancy tax.

The City Hotel Occupancy Tax may be filed electronically with the Arlington Permits website: https://ap.arlingtontx.gov.

For further information regarding the City Hotel Occupancy Tax remittance, visit the website: https://www.arlingtontx.gov/city_hall/departments/finance/treasury/hotel_occupancy_tax/instructions

For more information regarding penalties for delinquencies for the State Hotel Occupancy Tax, , please visit the website at: https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/hotel/

The Monthly Due Date is the 20th day of the month following the end of each calendar month while the Quarterly Due Date (if qualified) is the 20th day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter.

Taxes are due to be remitted on or before the 20th day of the month

following each monthly/ quarterly (if qualified) period.

Hosts are required to keep a record of guests and taxes remitted. This is to be made available upon request by the City Auditor.

Failure to collect, file, remit or remit taxes results in a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500). This applies to false reports too.

What ZIP Codes have been prohibited for STR use?

Properties located in zip codes 76010-76099 (with the exception of a small area within a one-mile radius of AT&T Stadium)

What types of properties are eligible for short-term rentals?

Houses, Condos, Townhouses and Apartments

Does occupancy limit affect STR?

Yes, occupancy limit affects short-term rentals in Arlington

What STR regulations affect me as an Owner?

Parking: Parking is limited to the number of available off-street spaces.

Noise restrictions: No amplified sound between 10 pm and 9 am.

Outside congregation restrictions: This is not allowed between 10 pm and 9 am.

Trash placement on curb: Trash should be placed after 7 pm the evening prior to scheduled pickup for waste disposal.

What are the procedures or requirements for keeping the guest records?

City Registration Account number for Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) remittance;

Please email arlington.hot@arlingtontx.gov for questions relating to the Hotel Occupancy Tax;

Plot Plan identifying parking spaces to be used for STR;

Dimensioned floor plan identifying bedrooms, living spaces, emergency evacuation routes;

Proof of Insurance coverage (minimum $1 million per occurrence);

Proposed host rules.

A non-refundable fee of $500 per year is required.

Permits are non-transferable

You can apply online for your permit here: http://www.arlingtonpermits.com/

For further enquiries or help, email the Planning Technician, Cecelia Nelson at cecelia.nelson@arlingtontx.gov, or call 817-459-6514.

What are the occupancy limits for STR?

Maximum Occupancy is 2 per bedroom plus 2; a maximum of 12 persons including children at a time

What other STR regulations am i obligated to observe?

Permit is to be posted at a conspicuous location inside from entrance

Host rules (which includes Occupancy Restrictions, Limits on parking, Trash pickup days and rules, Prohibitions on special events, Limits on amplified sound, Curfew time) must be provided to STR guests.

A copy of the approved short-term rental permit shall be posted at a conspicuous location inside the front entrance(s) to the short-term rental property.

What are the penalties and fines for non compliance?

Violations of the City of Arlington Short-Term Rental Ordinance results in a fined amount of not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) and each day a violation is permitted results in an additional offence.

A permit will be revoked if the holder:

a. fails or refuses to comply with the conditions of the permit issuance or remains in non-compliance for 10 days after notification of non-compliance,

b. receives more than two citations of non-compliance with the City Ordinances within the 12-month time period of the permit issuance

c. knowingly falsifies information during application

d. is in violation of any part of the City Short-term Rental Ordinances

Is there any official regulatory body or authority?

Yes, the Planning & Development Services Department is the official regulatory body for short-term rentals in Arlington, Texas.

How can i contact the authority?

Mailing Address: Planning & Development Services, P.O. Box 90231, MS 01-0241, Arlington, TX 76004-3231

Phone Number: 817-459-6502

Street Address: 101 W Abram Street, Arlington, TX 76010

Main Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Which jurisdictions are exempted from the regulations?

Jurisdictions within the Arlington city limits that are zoned for commercial use and Jurisdictions outside of the Arlington city limits

What are the requirements and fees for the permit (s)?

City Registration Account number for Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) remittance;

Please email arlington.hot@arlingtontx.gov for questions relating to the Hotel Occupancy Tax;

Plot Plan identifying parking spaces to be used for STR;

Dimensioned floor plan identifying bedrooms, living spaces, emergency evacuation routes;

Proof of Insurance coverage (minimum $1 million per occurrence);

Proposed host rules.

A non-refundable fee of $500 per year is required.

Permits are non-transferable

You can apply online for your permit here: http://www.arlingtonpermits.com/

For further enquiries or help, email the Planning Technician, Cecelia Nelson at cecelia.nelson@arlingtontx.gov, or call 817-459-6514.

Basic Information
Occupancy restriction

There is occupancy restriction of 2 people per bedroom plus 2 more people; a maximum of 12 persons

Length of Stay
29 days or less
Registration & Licensing Fees
A non-refundable fee of $500 per year
Licenses or Permits Required
Yes, there are permit requirements
Property Inspection
Yes, there is property inspection by the city's Code Compliance Department and it is recurring
Guest Record
Yes, there is guest record requirement

All short-term rental owners must obtain a valid short-term rental permit issued by the City for their property.

All short-term rental properties must comply with building, health and safety regulations.

Occupancy taxes and fees

13% combined State and City Hotel Occupancy Tax

Insurance requirement

A minimum of $1million

Does any Building, Health & Safety Regulation affects STR?

Yes, there are building, health & safety regulations such as;

1. Prohibition of water heaters in bedrooms or bathrooms.

2. Provision of heating facilities capable of maintaining at least 68°F in all habitable rooms.

3. The installation of smoke alarms in bedrooms, outside bedrooms, and on all habitable floors and a well-maintained fire extinguisher in a visible place

4. The use of carbon monoxide alarms if the property has gas appliances or an attached garage.

Parking Requirement

Adequate parking space must be made available to short-term rental guests on the STR property.

Advertising Requirement

Hosts are required to include their permit number in all advertisements of their short-term rental property

Noise regulation

No amplified sound is allowed between 10 pm and 9 am.

Neighbor Notification

No, there is no requirement for neighborhood notification for short-term rentals in Arlington, Texas. The city's short-term rental ordinance does not require short-term rental owners to notify their neighbors before renting out their properties.

Limitation on number of STR owned

There is no limitation on the number of short-term rentals (STRs) that an individual can own in Arlington, Texas but short-term rental owners must obtain a permit from the city for each STR that they own.

Additionally, some homeowners associations (HOAs) have their own restrictions on short-term rentals. If you are considering owning multiple STRs, it is important to check with your HOA to see if there are any restrictions in place.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

It is not allowed

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

It is not allowed

Hosting events regulations
Restrictions on number of reservations

Yes, there are restrictions on the number of reservations that a short-term rental owner can have per year in Arlington, Texas. Short-term rental owners are limited to 90 reservations per year.

Waste disposal regulations

Short term rental owners are only allowed to place their trash outside for curbside pickup after 7 pm the evening prior to scheduled pickup day for the waste disposal

Accessibility Requirement

Yes, there are accessibility requirements for short-term rentals in Arlington, Texas. Short-term rental owners are required to make their properties accessible to guests with disabilities. This requirement is based on the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of disability.

waste disposal regulations
Waste disposal regulations

Short term rental owners are only allowed to place their trash outside for curbside pickup after 7 pm the evening prior to scheduled pickup day for the waste disposal

Emergency Contact Information

Yes, it is required. Short-term rental owners are required to provide guests with emergency contact information, including the name, phone number, and email address of a person who can be reached in the event of an emergency.

The emergency contact person must be someone who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and who is familiar with the short-term rental property. The emergency contact person should be able to respond to emergencies in a timely manner and should be able to provide assistance to guests.

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Lodge compliance is not a licensed tax or financial advisor. Therefore nothing in the above article should be construed as tax, legal, or financial advice. Contact your local tax office for information regarding your personal circumstance.

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