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Occupancy restriction

Yes, the city occupancy limit affects STR

Length of Stay
not more than 29 days
Registration & Licensing Fees
An initial registration fee of $100 for the STR permit and an annual recurring fee of $150
Licenses or Permits Required
Yes, STR registration license and Hotel Occupancy Tax license.
Property Inspection
No, property inspection is not required
Guest Record
Guest records can be kept in relation to taxes

Short-term rentals are currently allowed in all mixed-use and most form-based, commercial, and industrial zoning districts. Rentals are not allowed in residential districts: A-#, AR, B, R1, R2, CR, C, D, and UR.

You can access if STR is permitted in your zone on the CFW Permit Assist Zoning Tool https://cfwpermit.fortworthtexas.gov/?_gl=1*beq2ac*_ga*MTc1ODg0ODIxMy4xNjk1OTg4MzA5*_ga_R90X60M8G9*MTY5NjE3OTU4NS42LjEuMTY5NjE4NTczOS42MC4wLjA.

You can read more about STR zoning on the Zoning page - https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/development-services/zoning

Occupancy taxes and fees

Combined State and City Hotel Occupancy taxes of 15%

Insurance requirement

No, there is no insurance requirement

Does any Building, Health & Safety Regulation affects STR?

Yes, the same regulation that applies to long-term rentals. Such as;

1. The presence of smoke detectors and safe egress routes are essential.

2. Proper wiring and ensuring that all electrical appliances are in good working condition.

3. Proper drainage, proper ventilation, and proper lighting are also essential.

Parking Requirement

Yes, adequate parking must be provided for guests as parking any vehicles (automobiles, buses, trucks, motorcycles, etc.) in the front or side yard of properties within specified residential zones is generally prohibited.

Advertising Requirement

Yes, STR permit's registration number is required for advertisement

Noise regulation

Yes, there are regulations regarding noise (A maximum limit of 70 dBA during the day, that is, 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and a maximum limit of 60 dBA during the night, that is, 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m)

Neighbor Notification

No, you are not required to notify neighbors officially but it is advisable to notify your neighbors for peaceful habitation.

Limitation on number of STR owned

There is no limitation on the number of STRs that can be owned by a single individual or organization.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

Events and parties are prohibited in STR apartments in the city.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

Events and parties are prohibited in STR apartments in the city.

Hosting events regulations
Restrictions on number of reservations

There are no restrictions on the number of reservations that can be allowed in a year for an STR. However, rental or lease of a short-term rental for a period of less than one night is not permitted in the city.

Waste disposal regulations

1. STR hosts are required to provide waste containers to their guests. The waste container must be of sufficient size and quality to hold garbage and rubbish between regular collection days. These containers must be leakproof, have a secure lid, and be kept in good condition as violating these requirements is an offense to the City Household Collection Service.

2. STR hosts can choose between curb and carry-out service, with fees for elective carry-out service. Disabled carry-out service is available with proper certification.

3. Garbage and rubbish should be placed in city-provided carts with disposable plastic bags. Plastic bags may be used in specific circumstances.

4. The waste container lid must be completely closed.

5. Overstuffed carts will not be picked up.

6. Bags left outside the cart will not be picked up


1. Yard trimmings should not be placed in carts or bags. Injurious materials must be properly prepared for collection. Violations may result in service charges or citations.

2. The service of the City Household Collection Service is mandatory for certain types of residences. It also specifies optional use for multifamily dwellings, mobile home parks, and private communities meeting specific criteria.

Accessibility Requirement

No, there is no specific law on accessibility requirement.

waste disposal regulations
Waste disposal regulations

1. STR hosts are required to provide waste containers to their guests. The waste container must be of sufficient size and quality to hold garbage and rubbish between regular collection days. These containers must be leakproof, have a secure lid, and be kept in good condition as violating these requirements is an offense to the City Household Collection Service.

2. STR hosts can choose between curb and carry-out service, with fees for elective carry-out service. Disabled carry-out service is available with proper certification.

3. Garbage and rubbish should be placed in city-provided carts with disposable plastic bags. Plastic bags may be used in specific circumstances.

4. The waste container lid must be completely closed.

5. Overstuffed carts will not be picked up.

6. Bags left outside the cart will not be picked up


1. Yard trimmings should not be placed in carts or bags. Injurious materials must be properly prepared for collection. Violations may result in service charges or citations.

2. The service of the City Household Collection Service is mandatory for certain types of residences. It also specifies optional use for multifamily dwellings, mobile home parks, and private communities meeting specific criteria.

Emergency Contact Information

Yes, it is required. STR hosts are required to appoint a responsible individual who can remain accessible throughout their guests' stay and who can arrive at the property within an hour of receiving an emergency call.

What is short term rental?

Short-term rentals are residential dwelling units, apartments, condominiums or accessory dwellings available for rent for guest lodging for a period ranging from 1 to 29 days.

Are there STR regulations that affect property owners?

There are no other regulations that affect property owners of STR

Is there any short-term rental-related tax?

Yes, the City and State Hotel Occupancy Taxes.

Is it only individuals that are permitted to operate short-term rental?

Yes, individuals and businesses are allowed to operate a short-term rental in the city as long as they obtain the zoning permit and the short-term rental license.

What are the procedures and requirement for the neighborhood approval?

There is no official procedure or requirement for neighborhood approval.

Do I need a neighborhood approval?

No, you do not need an official neighborhood approval.

Building, Health & Safety Regulation
Which of these taxes does Airbnb or other booking company collect?
What zoning laws affect Short Term Rentals?

Short-term rentals are currently allowed in all mixed-use and most form-based, commercial, and industrial zoning districts. Rentals are not allowed in residential districts: A-#, AR, B, R1, R2, CR, C, D, and UR.

You can access if STR is permitted in your zone on the CFW Permit Assist Zoning Tool https://cfwpermit.fortworthtexas.gov/?_gl=1*beq2ac*_ga*MTc1ODg0ODIxMy4xNjk1OTg4MzA5*_ga_R90X60M8G9*MTY5NjE3OTU4NS42LjEuMTY5NjE4NTczOS42MC4wLjA.

You can read more about STR zoning on the Zoning page - https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/development-services/zoning

Is there any guest record requirement?

Yes, the City and State Hotel Occupancy Taxes.

Do i require any license(s) for STR?

Yes, you require the STR registration license and Hotel Occupancy Tax license.

Access the form here - https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/files/assets/public/v/3/neighborhoods/documents/str/str-registration-app-v2-06-21-2023.pdf

Which tax(es) am i obligated to collect and remit?

You are obligated to remit the City and State Hotel Occupancy Taxes.

City Hotel Occupancy Tax

1. Owners of STR in the City of Fort Worth (City) are required to collect Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) in the amount of 9% of room receipts from their guests, report the collections, and pay the tax to the City unless an exemption applies.

The City of Fort Worth hotel occupancy tax rate includes a 7% hotel tax and a 2% hotel convention tax paid by the occupant.

Monthly Due Date: STR owners are required to file and remit the HOT to the City Tax Assessor on the first business day following the end of the monthly collection/reporting period.

For further information regarding tax delinquencies and penalties, access the city ordinance: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/ftworth/latest/ftworth_tx/0-0-0-29973#JD_32-19

State Hotel Occupancy Tax

2. STR owners are also required to collect and remit a 6% State Hotel Occupancy Tax

Monthly Due Date: 20th day of the month following the end of each calendar month (for example, April 20 for March activity).

Quarterly Due Date (if qualified): 20th day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter (for example, April 20 for first quarter activity).

For more information regarding penalties for delinquencies, please visit the website at: https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/hotel/

Which tax(es) am i obligated to collect and remit?

You are obligated to remit the City and State Hotel Occupancy Taxes.

City Hotel Occupancy Tax

1. Owners of STR in the City of Fort Worth (City) are required to collect Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) in the amount of 9% of room receipts from their guests, report the collections, and pay the tax to the City unless an exemption applies.

The City of Fort Worth hotel occupancy tax rate includes a 7% hotel tax and a 2% hotel convention tax paid by the occupant.

Monthly Due Date: STR owners are required to file and remit the HOT to the City Tax Assessor on the first business day following the end of the monthly collection/reporting period.

For further information regarding tax delinquencies and penalties, access the city ordinance: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/ftworth/latest/ftworth_tx/0-0-0-29973#JD_32-19

State Hotel Occupancy Tax

2. STR owners are also required to collect and remit a 6% State Hotel Occupancy Tax

Monthly Due Date: 20th day of the month following the end of each calendar month (for example, April 20 for March activity).

Quarterly Due Date (if qualified): 20th day of the month following the end of the calendar quarter (for example, April 20 for first quarter activity).

For more information regarding penalties for delinquencies, please visit the website at: https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/hotel/

What ZIP Codes have been prohibited for STR use?

There are no specific zip codes that are prohibited for STR use except the highlighted residential districts where STR is not allowed.

What types of properties are eligible for short-term rentals?

There is no restriction on the type of properties that are eligible for short-term rental in the city as long as the property is located in the zoning district where short-term rental is permitted

Does occupancy limit affect STR?

Yes, the City Occupancy limit affect STR

What STR regulations affect me as an Owner?

There is no other STR regulation that affects you as an owner.

What are the procedures or requirements for keeping the guest records?

The following information is required to register for a short-term rental permit;

(1) The physical/street address of the short-term rental;

(2) The name, address, email address(es), phone number(s,) and authenticated signature for the owner(s) of the premises and the corporation owner's representative as applicable;

(3) The name, address, email address, and phone number(s) of the operator(s), agent(s) if any, and designated local responsible party or emergency contact.

(4) Such certifications are deemed necessary and proper to ensure compliance with this article.


1. Applications for the renewal of short-term rental registrations can be submitted 30 days prior to the expiration of the current registration. These renewal applications must include any updates to the information provided in the original registration

2. Applications are considered incomplete until all required documentation is provided, and the full application and registration fees are paid. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

You can send your STR application

Mail Checks to:

City of Fort Worth

PO Box 99005

Fort Worth, TX 76199-0005


City of Fort Worth – City Hall

Lower Level – Central Cashier

200 Texas St.,

Fort Worth, TX 76102

Credit Card Payments:

Phone: 817-392-6665

What are the occupancy limits for STR?

The occupancy is restricted to a maximum of two individuals per bedroom, with an additional allowance of two people. For example, a two-bedroom apartment can house up to a total of 6 occupants. Regardless of the number of bedrooms on the premises, it shall be unlawful for more than twelve ( 12) persons including children to be accommodated at the same time.

What other STR regulations am i obligated to observe?

1. You are required to visibly display the approved short-term rental registration permit at the front or entrance of your short-term rental property. Furthermore, it is prohibited to advertise a STR in any form, including hosting platforms, print media, websites, or mobile apps, without including the current registration number provided by the Administrator.

2. You are also required to provide host rules that outline all relevant City regulations related to short-term rentals to your guests. These regulations cover various aspects, including occupancy limits, parking restrictions, trash disposal guidelines, restrictions on special events, noise limitations, and curfew requirements.

3. Advertising, promoting, or hosting special events such as weddings, receptions, parties, or concerts that gather a significant number of attendees on short-term rental premises is prohibited by law. You are not allowed to use the property as an event center or permit such events to take place on the premises.

What are the penalties and fines for non compliance?

Violators of the STR laws may be fined as much as $2,000 additionally, the city has the authority to revoke STR permits in the following cases:

1. Violation of more than one short-term rental law or having more than one citation.

2. Failure to remit City occupancy tax.

3. Intentionally providing false information in their application.

4. Neglecting to inform the city about any significant changes from their initial application.

When a permit is revoked, the STR permit holder (individuals and businesses) is notified in writing. The permit holder, within ten days, can appeal to the Administrator and request a hearing. If the appeal fails, a one-year waiting period is imposed before reapplying for registration on the same property. The decision of the City Manager or designee in the appeal process is final.

Is there any official regulatory body or authority?

The Code Compliance Department is responsible for investigating complaints and issuing warnings or citations for STR violations.

How can i contact the authority?

The code compliance/enforcement department and other departments that are concerned with the regulation and control of STR can be contacted via;

1. Zoning Department

Email: STR@fortworthtexas.gov

Phone: 817-392-8028

2. Central Revenue/Financial Management Services

Email: TreasuryRevenue@fortworthtexas.gov

Phone: 817-392-6665

3. Code Enforcement Department

Phone: 817-392-1234

Which jurisdictions are exempted from the regulations?

The following residential districts ( A-#, AR, B, R1, R2, CR, C, D, and UR.) are exempted from STR regulation as short-term rentals are not allowed in the residential districts:

What are the requirements and fees for the permit (s)?

The following information is required to register for a short-term rental permit;

(1) The physical/street address of the short-term rental;

(2) The name, address, email address(es), phone number(s,) and authenticated signature for the owner(s) of the premises and the corporation owner's representative as applicable;

(3) The name, address, email address, and phone number(s) of the operator(s), agent(s) if any, and designated local responsible party or emergency contact.

(4) Such certifications are deemed necessary and proper to ensure compliance with this article.


1. Applications for the renewal of short-term rental registrations can be submitted 30 days prior to the expiration of the current registration. These renewal applications must include any updates to the information provided in the original registration

2. Applications are considered incomplete until all required documentation is provided, and the full application and registration fees are paid. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

You can send your STR application

Mail Checks to:

City of Fort Worth

PO Box 99005

Fort Worth, TX 76199-0005


City of Fort Worth – City Hall

Lower Level – Central Cashier

200 Texas St.,

Fort Worth, TX 76102

Credit Card Payments:

Phone: 817-392-6665

Basic Information
Occupancy restriction

Yes, the city occupancy limit affects STR

Length of Stay
not more than 29 days
Registration & Licensing Fees
An initial registration fee of $100 for the STR permit and an annual recurring fee of $150
Licenses or Permits Required
Yes, STR registration license and Hotel Occupancy Tax license.
Property Inspection
No, property inspection is not required
Guest Record
Guest records can be kept in relation to taxes

Short-term rentals are currently allowed in all mixed-use and most form-based, commercial, and industrial zoning districts. Rentals are not allowed in residential districts: A-#, AR, B, R1, R2, CR, C, D, and UR.

You can access if STR is permitted in your zone on the CFW Permit Assist Zoning Tool https://cfwpermit.fortworthtexas.gov/?_gl=1*beq2ac*_ga*MTc1ODg0ODIxMy4xNjk1OTg4MzA5*_ga_R90X60M8G9*MTY5NjE3OTU4NS42LjEuMTY5NjE4NTczOS42MC4wLjA.

You can read more about STR zoning on the Zoning page - https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/development-services/zoning

Occupancy taxes and fees

Combined State and City Hotel Occupancy taxes of 15%

Insurance requirement

No, there is no insurance requirement

Does any Building, Health & Safety Regulation affects STR?

Yes, the same regulation that applies to long-term rentals. Such as;

1. The presence of smoke detectors and safe egress routes are essential.

2. Proper wiring and ensuring that all electrical appliances are in good working condition.

3. Proper drainage, proper ventilation, and proper lighting are also essential.

Parking Requirement

Yes, adequate parking must be provided for guests as parking any vehicles (automobiles, buses, trucks, motorcycles, etc.) in the front or side yard of properties within specified residential zones is generally prohibited.

Advertising Requirement

Yes, STR permit's registration number is required for advertisement

Noise regulation

Yes, there are regulations regarding noise (A maximum limit of 70 dBA during the day, that is, 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and a maximum limit of 60 dBA during the night, that is, 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m)

Neighbor Notification

No, you are not required to notify neighbors officially but it is advisable to notify your neighbors for peaceful habitation.

Limitation on number of STR owned

There is no limitation on the number of STRs that can be owned by a single individual or organization.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

Events and parties are prohibited in STR apartments in the city.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

Events and parties are prohibited in STR apartments in the city.

Hosting events regulations
Restrictions on number of reservations

There are no restrictions on the number of reservations that can be allowed in a year for an STR. However, rental or lease of a short-term rental for a period of less than one night is not permitted in the city.

Waste disposal regulations

1. STR hosts are required to provide waste containers to their guests. The waste container must be of sufficient size and quality to hold garbage and rubbish between regular collection days. These containers must be leakproof, have a secure lid, and be kept in good condition as violating these requirements is an offense to the City Household Collection Service.

2. STR hosts can choose between curb and carry-out service, with fees for elective carry-out service. Disabled carry-out service is available with proper certification.

3. Garbage and rubbish should be placed in city-provided carts with disposable plastic bags. Plastic bags may be used in specific circumstances.

4. The waste container lid must be completely closed.

5. Overstuffed carts will not be picked up.

6. Bags left outside the cart will not be picked up


1. Yard trimmings should not be placed in carts or bags. Injurious materials must be properly prepared for collection. Violations may result in service charges or citations.

2. The service of the City Household Collection Service is mandatory for certain types of residences. It also specifies optional use for multifamily dwellings, mobile home parks, and private communities meeting specific criteria.

Accessibility Requirement

No, there is no specific law on accessibility requirement.

waste disposal regulations
Waste disposal regulations

1. STR hosts are required to provide waste containers to their guests. The waste container must be of sufficient size and quality to hold garbage and rubbish between regular collection days. These containers must be leakproof, have a secure lid, and be kept in good condition as violating these requirements is an offense to the City Household Collection Service.

2. STR hosts can choose between curb and carry-out service, with fees for elective carry-out service. Disabled carry-out service is available with proper certification.

3. Garbage and rubbish should be placed in city-provided carts with disposable plastic bags. Plastic bags may be used in specific circumstances.

4. The waste container lid must be completely closed.

5. Overstuffed carts will not be picked up.

6. Bags left outside the cart will not be picked up


1. Yard trimmings should not be placed in carts or bags. Injurious materials must be properly prepared for collection. Violations may result in service charges or citations.

2. The service of the City Household Collection Service is mandatory for certain types of residences. It also specifies optional use for multifamily dwellings, mobile home parks, and private communities meeting specific criteria.

Emergency Contact Information

Yes, it is required. STR hosts are required to appoint a responsible individual who can remain accessible throughout their guests' stay and who can arrive at the property within an hour of receiving an emergency call.

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Lodge compliance is not a licensed tax or financial advisor. Therefore nothing in the above article should be construed as tax, legal, or financial advice. Contact your local tax office for information regarding your personal circumstance.

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