In Honolulu, short-term rentals (STRs), commonly referred to as vacation rentals, are legally permitted but heavily regulated by the City and County of Honolulu. Properties that qualify for STR operation must be located in resort-zoned or specifically designated apartment areas. The types of rentals that thrive include transient vacation units (TVUs) and bed and breakfast homes (B&Bs), which cater primarily to tourists seeking accommodations for less than 30 consecutive days. Recent regulations, including Ordinance 22-7, have altered the landscape by restricting short-term rentals in many residential areas and allowing only those that possess a nonconforming use certificate (NUC) that have been grandfathered in to operate. The market primarily caters to tourists, especially given Honolulu's status as a popular travel destination, but there is also demand from business travelers. The Department of Planning and Permitting oversees the STR regulations, ensuring compliance with zoning and permitting requirements. For further details, visit the official Honolulu STR regulations page at.