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Occupancy restriction

There is no direct law regarding the maximum number of people that can stay in STR accommodation as the maximum occupancy of the dwelling is determined based on the space available in the dwelling. It is advisable to check with the Zoning department of the city.

Length of Stay
30 days or less
Registration & Licensing Fees
The annual renewal/initial registration fee for rental properties is $56.00 per structure plus $18.50 per unit for a one-year rental certificate.
Licenses or Permits Required
1. You are required to obtain a registration license from the city of your accommodation is a single-family building with less than five beds 2. You are required to obtain a short-term rental license if your accommodation is not a single-family building with less than five beds. 3. You may also be required to obtain a change of use or classification certificate if your short-term rental is in multi-family buildings with three or more (3+) units from the Building Department. 4. Your property classification needs to be changed by the Department of Health to a lodging or hotel if you offer five or more (5+) beds in your short-term rental and you are also required to obtain a lodging license.
Property Inspection
Yes, your property will be inspected before you are issued a short-term rental license and certificates will be placed on one-year to four-year cycle pending your inspection score.
Guest Record
Yes, you are required to maintain a guest record which should be made available when requested by the city.

Short-term rentals are permitted in both residential and commercial zones. However, all STR applications are reviewed by Community Development for conformance to the Rental Housing Code and Zoning Ordinance before approval.

Occupancy taxes and fees

There is a local lodging 7% tax imposed by the city of Rochester. You are also required to pay a combined 8.125% sales tax to the State and County.

Insurance requirement

There is no insurance requirement for STR in the city.

Does any Building, Health & Safety Regulation affects STR?

You are required to comply with all the building, health, and safety regulations that affect rental property in the city such as ensuring that your accommodation is fit for human occupancy and kept clean and safe. You are also required to ensure that you abate all hazards that may pose a risk to public health and safety. You are also required to provide basic safety equipment and plans such as emergency exit, and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Parking Requirement

There is no specific regulation regarding parking, However, adequate parking must be provided for guests

Advertising Requirement

Short-term rental owners are required to obtain a license in order to list their properties on hosting platforms and they are also required to paste their registration license in a conspicuous part of the STR property.

Noise regulation

There is no strict noise regulation such as the permitted decibel of noise at various times of the day or night but loud noise is generally prohibited in the city.

Neighbor Notification

No, you are not required to notify neighbors

Limitation on number of STR owned

No, there are no limitations on the number of STRs that an individual can own in the city.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

There is no specific regulation regarding hosting events or parties in STR. However, loud noises are prohibited in the city, and the constitution of nuisance by guests as a result of loud noise can lead to financial penalties and subsequently the revocation of the STR license.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

There is no specific regulation regarding hosting events or parties in STR. However, loud noises are prohibited in the city, and the constitution of nuisance by guests as a result of loud noise can lead to financial penalties and subsequently the revocation of the STR license.

Hosting events regulations
Restrictions on number of reservations

No, there are no restrictions on the number of reservations that a host can take in a year.

Waste disposal regulations

Yes, there are specific waste disposal regulations for short-term rentals, such as;

1. STR owners are required to provide approved, covered containers for rubbish on their premises.

2. STR owners are responsible for removing rubbish.

3. Solid waste, while waiting to be collected and transported to a permitted disposal facility, must be stored in durable, covered containers that are resistant to rust, impact, vermin, and leaks.

4. Solid waste can be stored for collection for a period no longer than the scheduled collection day or one week, whichever is shorter.

5. STR occupants who use a commercial waste hauling service can place acceptable containers of solid waste, recyclable materials, or yard waste at the curb for collection, but they should do so no earlier than the evening before the scheduled collection, and they must remove the empty containers on the same day as the collection.

Accessibility Requirement

No, there is no specific law on accessibility requirements.

waste disposal regulations
Waste disposal regulations

Yes, there are specific waste disposal regulations for short-term rentals, such as;

1. STR owners are required to provide approved, covered containers for rubbish on their premises.

2. STR owners are responsible for removing rubbish.

3. Solid waste, while waiting to be collected and transported to a permitted disposal facility, must be stored in durable, covered containers that are resistant to rust, impact, vermin, and leaks.

4. Solid waste can be stored for collection for a period no longer than the scheduled collection day or one week, whichever is shorter.

5. STR occupants who use a commercial waste hauling service can place acceptable containers of solid waste, recyclable materials, or yard waste at the curb for collection, but they should do so no earlier than the evening before the scheduled collection, and they must remove the empty containers on the same day as the collection.

Emergency Contact Information

You need an emergency contact who is referred to as an agent or property manager in this case, if you do not reside in the city or any of these counties; Houston, Winona, Fillmore, Olmsted, Goodhue, Dodge, Mower, or Wabasha County. The name of the agent will reflect on the registration license and if the agent changes, you will need to update the information on your registration license.

What is short term rental?

A Short Term Rental (STR), also known as a vacation rental or Airbnb rental, is a living space that is offered for rent to visiting guests for a short period of time usually from days to weeks, with a maximum of 30 days.

Short Term Rental Properties are usually furnished, and the dwelling can be a single room, multiple rooms, or an entire home.

Are there STR regulations that affect property owners?

Yes, the following regulations affect STR properties in the City

1. The property taxes and financial obligations of an STR property must be up-to-date.

2. The property should not disrupt the peace and comfort of the city's residents or pose a threat to public health, safety, or welfare.

3. The property does not accumulate debris that creates a nuisance.

4. The property meets all federal, state, and city laws.

5. The property does not exceed the maximum number of permitted dwelling units.

Is there any short-term rental-related tax?

Yes, there are short-term rental related tax

Is it only individuals that are permitted to operate short-term rental?

Yes, both individuals and businesses are allowed to operate a short-term rental as long as they are registered with the city and they comply with the ordinance.

What are the procedures and requirement for the neighborhood approval?

There is no procedure for neighborhood approval since it is not required in the city.

Do I need a neighborhood approval?

No, you do not need neighborhood approval to carry out STR business in the city.

Building, Health & Safety Regulation
Which of these taxes does Airbnb or other booking company collect?
What zoning laws affect Short Term Rentals?

Short-term rentals are permitted in both residential and commercial zones. However, all STR applications are reviewed by Community Development for conformance to the Rental Housing Code and Zoning Ordinance before approval.

Is there any guest record requirement?

Yes, there are short-term rental related tax

Do i require any license(s) for STR?

Yes, you are required to obtain the various types of licenses that are available in the basic information as it may apply to your property, another factor that determines the type of certificate that is obtained is if the STR accommodation is your primary residence. The two types of STR recognized in the city are;

1. Owner-occupied STR: is one in which at least one of the owners is occupying the site during the rental period, and is registered as an owner-occupied short-term rental with the City of Rochester.

2. Non-Owner Occupied: is an STR in which the owner is not present during the rental period, and holds a short-term rental certificate with the City of Rochester.

Which tax(es) am i obligated to collect and remit?

The total tax on lodging is 15.125%. This is applicable to all lodging and all lodging-related services. The individual components of this total tax on lodging is: city lodging tax of 7%, state sales tax 6.875% and local Rochester City/County sales tax of 1.25%.

Which tax(es) am i obligated to collect and remit?

The total tax on lodging is 15.125%. This is applicable to all lodging and all lodging-related services. The individual components of this total tax on lodging is: city lodging tax of 7%, state sales tax 6.875% and local Rochester City/County sales tax of 1.25%.

What ZIP Codes have been prohibited for STR use?

Zip codes that fall within the prohibited jurisdictions are also prohibited from STR.

What types of properties are eligible for short-term rentals?

Single Family Building, Duplex Building, Triplex Building, Four-plex Building, Multifamily Building with more than Four Units.

Does occupancy limit affect STR?

Yes, the occupancy limit affects STRs in the city but there is no general limit for the various STRs in the city as the limit is determined by the Zoning and Fire Department of the city based on the space in the dwelling. It is advisable to check with the Zoning department of the city.

What STR regulations affect me as an Owner?

1. You are required to obtain a short-term registration license, a rental license, a lodging license, or a change-of-use license as the case may apply.

2. You are also required to provide the following information to get registered with the city; your name, home address, phone number, birthdate, and proof of identification like a driver's license or another acceptable form of ID with your full name and birthdate and signature or give permission for your property manager to sign on your behalf.

3. You are required to provide your partnership or corporation details if the accommodation is owned by a business.

4. You are also required to acknowledge that they have read and understood the local housing rules and agree to follow them, including referencing the rules in your rental agreements.

5. Ensure that you are not involved in pending legal proceedings.

6. Ensure you do not have any previous suspended or revoked certificate

What are the procedures or requirements for keeping the guest records?

You are required to provide all the details that concern you as an owner and also comply with other requirements such as;

1. Provide the name, home address, phone number, birth date, and signature of your agent if you use one.

2. The application should detail the number and type of units available for rent and describe the facilities in each unit.

3. Provide the legal address of the dwelling.

4. Pay the license at most 90 days after application for the license or the renewal

5. Provide accurate information on the application.

6. There are no illegal occupants in the building

7. Ensure you or your agent are available to allow the city to conduct rental inspections.

What are the occupancy limits for STR?

There is no specific limit regarding the maximum number of people that can stay in STR accommodation as the maximum occupancy of the dwelling is determined based on the space available in the dwelling.

What other STR regulations am i obligated to observe?

1. You are required to post your registration certificate in a conspicuous place on your property.

2. Your rental registration renewal fee must be received by the director prior to the expiration of the current certificate to prevent the assessment of additional fees.

What are the penalties and fines for non compliance?

Penalties and fines for non-compliance include financial fines, legal actions, suspension, and revocation of license depending on the offense.

Is there any official regulatory body or authority?
How can i contact the authority?
Which jurisdictions are exempted from the regulations?

Zoning districts such as the Manufacturing zone where short-term rentals are not permitted are exempted from the regulations.

What are the requirements and fees for the permit (s)?

You are required to provide all the details that concern you as an owner and also comply with other requirements such as;

1. Provide the name, home address, phone number, birth date, and signature of your agent if you use one.

2. The application should detail the number and type of units available for rent and describe the facilities in each unit.

3. Provide the legal address of the dwelling.

4. Pay the license at most 90 days after application for the license or the renewal

5. Provide accurate information on the application.

6. There are no illegal occupants in the building

7. Ensure you or your agent are available to allow the city to conduct rental inspections.

Basic Information
Occupancy restriction

There is no direct law regarding the maximum number of people that can stay in STR accommodation as the maximum occupancy of the dwelling is determined based on the space available in the dwelling. It is advisable to check with the Zoning department of the city.

Length of Stay
30 days or less
Registration & Licensing Fees
The annual renewal/initial registration fee for rental properties is $56.00 per structure plus $18.50 per unit for a one-year rental certificate.
Licenses or Permits Required
1. You are required to obtain a registration license from the city of your accommodation is a single-family building with less than five beds 2. You are required to obtain a short-term rental license if your accommodation is not a single-family building with less than five beds. 3. You may also be required to obtain a change of use or classification certificate if your short-term rental is in multi-family buildings with three or more (3+) units from the Building Department. 4. Your property classification needs to be changed by the Department of Health to a lodging or hotel if you offer five or more (5+) beds in your short-term rental and you are also required to obtain a lodging license.
Property Inspection
Yes, your property will be inspected before you are issued a short-term rental license and certificates will be placed on one-year to four-year cycle pending your inspection score.
Guest Record
Yes, you are required to maintain a guest record which should be made available when requested by the city.

Short-term rentals are permitted in both residential and commercial zones. However, all STR applications are reviewed by Community Development for conformance to the Rental Housing Code and Zoning Ordinance before approval.

Occupancy taxes and fees

There is a local lodging 7% tax imposed by the city of Rochester. You are also required to pay a combined 8.125% sales tax to the State and County.

Insurance requirement

There is no insurance requirement for STR in the city.

Does any Building, Health & Safety Regulation affects STR?

You are required to comply with all the building, health, and safety regulations that affect rental property in the city such as ensuring that your accommodation is fit for human occupancy and kept clean and safe. You are also required to ensure that you abate all hazards that may pose a risk to public health and safety. You are also required to provide basic safety equipment and plans such as emergency exit, and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Parking Requirement

There is no specific regulation regarding parking, However, adequate parking must be provided for guests

Advertising Requirement

Short-term rental owners are required to obtain a license in order to list their properties on hosting platforms and they are also required to paste their registration license in a conspicuous part of the STR property.

Noise regulation

There is no strict noise regulation such as the permitted decibel of noise at various times of the day or night but loud noise is generally prohibited in the city.

Neighbor Notification

No, you are not required to notify neighbors

Limitation on number of STR owned

No, there are no limitations on the number of STRs that an individual can own in the city.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

There is no specific regulation regarding hosting events or parties in STR. However, loud noises are prohibited in the city, and the constitution of nuisance by guests as a result of loud noise can lead to financial penalties and subsequently the revocation of the STR license.

Regulations on hosting events or parties in STR

There is no specific regulation regarding hosting events or parties in STR. However, loud noises are prohibited in the city, and the constitution of nuisance by guests as a result of loud noise can lead to financial penalties and subsequently the revocation of the STR license.

Hosting events regulations
Restrictions on number of reservations

No, there are no restrictions on the number of reservations that a host can take in a year.

Waste disposal regulations

Yes, there are specific waste disposal regulations for short-term rentals, such as;

1. STR owners are required to provide approved, covered containers for rubbish on their premises.

2. STR owners are responsible for removing rubbish.

3. Solid waste, while waiting to be collected and transported to a permitted disposal facility, must be stored in durable, covered containers that are resistant to rust, impact, vermin, and leaks.

4. Solid waste can be stored for collection for a period no longer than the scheduled collection day or one week, whichever is shorter.

5. STR occupants who use a commercial waste hauling service can place acceptable containers of solid waste, recyclable materials, or yard waste at the curb for collection, but they should do so no earlier than the evening before the scheduled collection, and they must remove the empty containers on the same day as the collection.

Accessibility Requirement

No, there is no specific law on accessibility requirements.

waste disposal regulations
Waste disposal regulations

Yes, there are specific waste disposal regulations for short-term rentals, such as;

1. STR owners are required to provide approved, covered containers for rubbish on their premises.

2. STR owners are responsible for removing rubbish.

3. Solid waste, while waiting to be collected and transported to a permitted disposal facility, must be stored in durable, covered containers that are resistant to rust, impact, vermin, and leaks.

4. Solid waste can be stored for collection for a period no longer than the scheduled collection day or one week, whichever is shorter.

5. STR occupants who use a commercial waste hauling service can place acceptable containers of solid waste, recyclable materials, or yard waste at the curb for collection, but they should do so no earlier than the evening before the scheduled collection, and they must remove the empty containers on the same day as the collection.

Emergency Contact Information

You need an emergency contact who is referred to as an agent or property manager in this case, if you do not reside in the city or any of these counties; Houston, Winona, Fillmore, Olmsted, Goodhue, Dodge, Mower, or Wabasha County. The name of the agent will reflect on the registration license and if the agent changes, you will need to update the information on your registration license.

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Lodge compliance is not a licensed tax or financial advisor. Therefore nothing in the above article should be construed as tax, legal, or financial advice. Contact your local tax office for information regarding your personal circumstance.

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